2016年1月31日 星期日

Roger Fry, 《弗莱艺术批评文选》Omega Workshops



其他   译作
《弗莱艺术批评文选》江苏美术出版社 2010年7月
2011-02-13 01:03:36
2011-02-14 07:26:33
沈语冰 内容提要:本文是作者为《弗莱艺术批评文选》中文版(江苏美术出版社,2010年)所撰写的译者导论的第一部分。它讨论弗莱围绕两届后印象派画展所撰写的一系列辩护文章,这些文章系统地发展了他的形式主义批评方法,从而为现代主义艺术理论奠定了基础。第二部分“形式主义者如何介入生活:罗杰•弗莱和他的时代”则联系弗莱的中期写作,着重论证弗莱作为一个形式主义者介入各...
2011-02-14 07:27:00
形式主义者如何介入生活:罗杰·弗莱与他的时代 沈语冰 [提要]本文是作者为《弗莱艺术批评文选》中文版所撰写的译者导论的第二部分。第一部分“后印象派画展与现代主义批评理论的奠基”,讨论弗莱围绕两届后印象派画展所撰写的一系列辩护文章,这些文章系统地发展了他的形式主义批评方法,从而为现代主义艺术理论奠定了基础。第二部分(即本文)则联系弗莱的中期写作,着重论证...
2012-07-06 00:27:21
对形式主义美学的再认识:论罗杰·弗莱的晚年思想 沈语冰 内容提要:本文是作者为《弗莱艺术批评文选》中文版(江苏美术出版社,2010年)所撰写的译者导论的第三部分。第一部分“后印象派画展与现代主义批评理论的奠基”,讨论弗莱围绕两届后印象派画展所撰写的一系列辩护文章,这些文章系统地发展了他的形式主义批评方法,从而为现代主义艺术理论奠定了基础。第二部分“形式主义者...
2011-02-14 07:24:25
沈语冰 罗杰·弗莱(1866-1934),英国著名艺术史家和美学家,20世纪最伟大的艺术批评家之一。早年从事博物馆学,属于欧洲顶级鉴藏圈子的鉴定大师,后来兴趣转向现代艺术,成为后印象派绘画运动的命名者和主要诠释者。他提出的形式主义美学观构成现代美学史的主导思想。著有:《贝利尼》(1899)、《视觉与设计》(1920)、《变形》(1926)、《塞尚及其画风的发展》(1927)等。 ...
2011-02-24 18:17:41
伦勃朗被称为绘画中的莎士比亚。这是那种能产生轻微但却清晰的令人作呕感觉的说法之一。最糟糕的是,其中还真有些道理。不管怎么说,人们是带着某些会激怒莎士比亚的批评家们的混合情感来趋近伦勃朗的。人们来到了一个早已充塞着祭品的神龛,其中多是令人怀疑的趣味,而人们对这一神明的看法则因为大量先前崇拜者的痕迹而受到轻微的打扰与模糊。人们最好忘掉它们,甚至抗拒一下微妙的诱惑... (9回应)
2012-11-01 12:28:06


ロジャー・フライRoger Eliot Fry1866年12月14日 - 1934年9月9日)は、ロンドン生まれの、イギリス画家・芸術批評家で、またブルームズベリー・グループの一員であった。


彼は、ケンブリッジ大学のキングス・カレッジに学び、そこでケンブリッジ使徒会Cambridge Apostles)の一員に迎えられる。彼は最初の試験を自然科学で合格した後、パリとイタリアに赴き、そこでイタリア美術を勉強した。その後、彼は最終的には風景画家となった。
1910年、彼はブルームズベリー・グループのメンバーたちと共に、ポスト印象派の展覧会をロンドンで企画する。この企画は、フライが愛情を抱いていたオットリン・モレルがこれを後援した。1913年には、「オメガ・ワークショップ」(Omega Workshop)という一種のデザイン工房を設立。ここに、ヴァネッサ・ベルダンカン・グラントも所属した。ダンカン・グラントは、当時ヴァネッサ・ベルの恋人だった。
ヴァネッサの妹で、作家ヴァージニア・ウルフが彼の評伝を書いている。『ロジャー・フライ伝』(宮田恭子訳、みすず書房 1997年)。

Roger Fry
River with Poplars, circa 1912, Tate Gallery.
River with Poplars, circa 1912, Tate Gallery.
Roger Eliot Fry (14 December 18669 September 1934) was an English artist and critic, and a member of the Bloomsbury group. Despite establishing his reputation as a scholar of the Old Masters, as he matured as a critic he became an advocate of more recent developments in French painting, to which he gave the name Post-Impressionism. The first figure to raise public awareness of modern art in Britain, he was described by the art historian Kenneth Clark as "incomparably the greatest influence on taste since Ruskin... In so far as taste can be changed by one man, it was changed by Roger Fry".


Born in London, the son of the judge Edward Fry, he grew up in a wealthy Quaker family. Before going up to Cambridge Fry was educated at Clifton College. Fry studied at King's College, Cambridge, where he was a member of the Cambridge Apostles. After taking a first in the Natural Science tripos, he went to Paris and then Italy to study art and eventually he specialised in landscape painting.
In 1896, he married the artist Helen Coombe and they subsequently had two children, Pamela and Julian. However, Helen soon became seriously mentally ill. In 1910, she was committed to a mental institution, where she remained for the rest of her life. Fry took over the care of their children on his own.
In 1911, Fry began an affair with Vanessa Bell, who was then experiencing a difficult recovery from the birth of her son Quentin. Fry offered her the tenderness and care she felt was lacking from her husband, Clive Bell. They remained lifelong close friends, even though Roger's heart was broken in 1913 when Vanessa fell in love with Duncan Grant and decided to live permanently with him.
After short affairs with such artists as Nina Hammett and Josette Coatmellec, Roger too found happiness with Helen Maitland Anrep. She became his emotional anchor for the rest of his life, although they never married (she too had had an unhappy first marriage, to the mosaicist Boris Anrep).
Fry died very unexpectedly due to a fall at his home. His death caused great sorrow among the members of the Bloomsbury Group, who loved him for his generosity and warmth. Vanessa Bell decorated his casket before he was buried at Kings College Chapel in Cambridge. Virginia Woolf, Vanessa's sister, novelist and a close friend of Roger as well, was entrusted with writing his biography, that was published in 1940.


In the 1900s, Fry started to teach art history at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London. In 1906 Fry was appointed Curator of Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This was also the year in which he "discovered" the art of Paul Cézanne, beginning the shift in his scholarly interests away from the Italian Old Masters and towards modern French art. In 1910, Fry organised the exhibition Manet and the Post-Impressionists (a term which he coined) at the Grafton Galleries, London. Despite the derision with which the exhibition was met, Fry followed it up with the Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition in 1912. It was patronised by Lady Ottoline Morrell, with whom Fry had a fleeting romantic attachment. In 1913 he founded the Omega Workshops, a design workshop whose members included Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant. In 1933, he was later made the Slade Professor at Cambridge, a position that Fry had much desired.


  • Vision and Design (1920)
  • Transformations (1926)
  • Cézanne. A Study of His Development (1927)
  • Henri Matisse (1930)
  • French Art (1932)
  • Reflections on British Painting (1934)


  • Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry: a biography (1940) ISBN 0-15-678520-X
  • Frances Spalding, Roger Fry, art and life (1980) ISBN 0-520-04126-7

External links

Fry was born into a Quaker family and was educated at the University of Cambridge for a career in science. His interest in art grew, however, and he studied painting in Italy and also began to lecture on art. His first book, Giovanni Bellini, was published in 1899. Thereafter he published art criticism, and in 1905 his edition of Joshua Reynolds's Discourses was published.
Fry first came into contact with the work of the French painter Paul Cézanne in 1906, and the experience changed the course of his life. He began to publish articles on the works of Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, and Vincent van Gogh, for in these painters he saw a merging of the structural understanding of the classical artists with the colour explorations of the Impressionists. Upon his return to London, Fry became associated with the Bloomsbury group. In November 1910 he organized for the Grafton Galleries the first of two painting exhibitions that were to revolutionize aesthetics in England. The uproar over “Manet and the Post-Impressionists” was considerable; it removed Fry from the ranks of traditional and academic critics and propelled him into the vanguard of art criticism. A second exhibition of a similar nature opened in October 1912.
In 1913, following a precedent that had been set by William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement, Fry organized a group of young artists into a collective called the Omega Workshops. The goal of the collective was to infuse the innovative aesthetic of Post-Impressionism into the design of everyday functional objects (such as drapery, furniture, and china). The bright colour and ornamental pattern used by these artists marked a fresh departure from the more restrained design of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Omega remained in operation until 1919.
Fry continued to lecture, travel, and paint throughout his life. His legacy is a body of art criticism and theory that includes Vision and Design (1920), Transformations (1926), Cézanne (1927), Henri Matisse (1930), and several other collections of lectures. He also wrote the Britannica Classic on Paul Cézanne. In 1933 he was appointed Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge.

Additional Reading

Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry, ed. by Diane F. Gillespie (1995, reprinted with corrections; first published 1940); Donald A. Laing, Roger Fry: An Annotated Bibliography of the Published Writings (1979); Frances Spalding, Roger Fry: Art and Life (1980).

December 14, 1866, London, England
died September 9, 1934, London

Photograph:Self-portrait by Roger Fry, oil on canvas, c. 1928; in the Courtauld Gallery, London.Self-portrait by Roger Fry, oil on canvas, c. 1928; in the Courtauld Gallery, London.
© Courtauld Gallery, London, UK
