2010年3月26日 星期五

I. M. Pei 是西方建筑师

I. M. Pei

年届92岁的贝聿铭(IM Pei)被尊为当世硕果仅存的现代主义大师之一。作为英国声望最高的建筑奖项——英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)金质奖章——的获得者,贝聿铭是无可争议、众望所归的人选。该学会于本月早些时候向他颁发了这一奖章。贝聿铭新近作品所展现的几何空间特征,似乎连最挑剔的评论家也得心服口服,包括那些最近还怀疑他商业味道十足的人士。但若说现在看来贝聿铭的一生好像是由一长串轻而易举就享誉国际的杰作连缀而成的,却不见得。

贝聿铭(IM Pei)在波士顿建造肯尼迪图书馆(John F Kennedy Library & Museum,于1979年开放)是段痛苦的经历,非但当地民众反对,成本也遭到了削减。在同一城市的约翰汉考克大楼(John Hancock Tower,1976年)代表着硬纸板和玻璃镶嵌工艺陷入困境的时期,当时窗玻璃被木板挡了起来,以防掉落砸到路人。最著名的是,卢浮宫金字塔(Louvre pyramids,1988年)招致保守的巴黎人的痛斥,他们疾呼,美国人要破坏巴黎神圣的标志性建筑。

如今这一切都已被抛在脑后。卢浮宫金字塔已成为当代巴黎的象征之一,正如蓬皮杜中心(Pompidou Centre)一样。贝聿铭不仅凭近期作品挽回了名声,而且更上了一层楼。最引人注目的是去年完成的两件作品:透出宁谧气息的多哈伊斯兰艺术博物馆 (Museum of Islamic Art,顶部图片),以及在贝聿铭的祖国兴建的、被广为称赞融合了东西方色彩的苏州博物馆。很难说清,是贝聿铭十分善于顺应潮流而改变,还是潮流在紧跟着他而改变。

此刻,贝聿铭坐在我对面喝着英式奶茶,风度翩翩,衣着考究。他极力想让人满意,绝非傲慢自大的“古板建筑师”的形象。我们在伦敦的文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental Hotel)见面简直是理所当然的,这家酒店融合了浓郁的皇家古典风格和奢华的东方变异色彩。贝聿铭身着剪裁合体的灰色西装,袖子下端露出带褶皱的法式衬衫袖口。他脸上没什么皱纹,但有老人斑,架着一副独具一格的圆框眼镜,这一小处模仿勒•柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)的打扮让他的脸显得严肃。

贝聿铭当年在哈佛就读,师从沃尔特•格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)。格罗皮乌斯是包豪斯(Bauhaus)流派的创始人,或许也是20世纪影响最大的教师。曾是格罗皮乌斯合伙人、建造了惠特尼博物馆 (Whitney Museum)和纽约联合国大楼(UN Building)的匈牙利建筑师马赛尔•布鲁尔(Marcel Breuer),则是贝聿铭的好友。这两位现在看来几乎是神话般的人物,贝聿铭从他们身上学到了什么呢?



四分之三世纪过去了,贝聿铭的英语依然带着口音,偶尔还会冒出语法错误。但他说话和举止就像他的衣着一样优雅。事实上,在他的大部分职业生涯中,这位拒绝教书和创立理论的建筑师是不合潮流的。他把商业和文化两方面融合得貌似天衣无缝,让其他建筑师感到了怀疑。他是怎么把商业与建筑艺术成功地结合在一起的呢? “我想,建筑的艺术方面对我来说是天生的,”他一点都不假装谦虚地说道,“我母亲是艺术家,诗人。商业方面则是后天的(他父亲是一个银行家)。出了学校后,我在一家房地产开发公司工作,我在那里学到了建筑的商务方面。如今这两种工作我都能轻松应对。”

从 1948年到1955年期间,贝聿铭投效作风张扬、嗜抽 雪茄的纽约开发商威廉•杰肯多夫(William Zeckendorf),设计出了许多令人难忘的作品。贝聿铭曾说过:“伟大的艺术家需要伟大的客户。”在职业生涯后期,他几乎一手缔造了达拉斯市区的当前风貌,在那里设计了规模宏大的市政厅(1978年)等建筑。当我提起我最近去过那里时,他问我:“亨利•摩尔的雕像还在那儿吗?你知道,我帮助促成了这件事——我去了Much Hadham(位于英国赫特福德郡的一个村庄,是摩尔当年的居住地,如今设有亨利•摩尔基金会)。”

贝聿铭设计的一组摩天大楼和造型怪异的巴洛克式莫顿梅尔森交响乐中心(Morton H Meyerson)等建筑,使得雷姆•库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)把达拉斯比作“平庸的震源地”。对此,贝聿铭的自我辩护显出一贯的冷淡:“在达拉斯,我是为人设计,而不是为地方。他们很多人来自纽约。它不像休斯顿这样的石油城市,它更像东海岸。达拉斯其实与纽约没什么不同。”

卢浮宫金字塔在采访中,贝聿铭只有两次显得被难住了。第一次是我问他有关战时服役的事情,当时他加入了国防研究委员会(National Defence Research Committee),对此他说,“学习的是轰炸和摧毁,而非建设”。第二次是我把话题引回肯尼迪图书馆的时候。“建这座图书馆十分艰难,”他说道。“杰姬和博比•肯尼迪向我们提了出来(那是在1963年约翰•肯尼迪遇刺的一年后),他是个英雄。”据报道,杰姬•肯尼迪曾说,选择贝聿铭,“其实是从感情上作出的决定。他(贝聿铭)非常有前途,就像杰克一样。他们同年出生。我想,与他共同做出一个壮举,会很有意思。”然而,这个项目非但不是一次壮举,而且始终难以顺利推进,卷入了当地的政治活动之中,并且屡经修改。不过,与困扰卢浮宫金字塔项目的政治活动相比,这算不了什么。


“要让法国人接受金字塔,我们遇到了许多困难。他们以为我们打算引进一座埃及金字塔。后来我指出,他们的方尖碑也来自埃及,而且拐角处就有金字塔广场(Place des Pyramides)。然后他们就接受了。不过,卢浮宫金字塔只露出了尖端。你不能在地面上建任何东西,因为它是这样一个历史景点,它是一座巨大的建筑,由很多馆组成。除了在地下建造之外,别无选择。然而,如果你要在地下建,就必须有东西值得看。金字塔和喷泉在说,‘来吧,我们有很多东西要向你展示。'”

法国建筑公司Grands Travaux的艾米利•比亚斯尼(Emile Biasini)认为,贝聿铭是负责这项工作的理想人选,作为一个中国人,“他了解古代文明”,而作为一个美国人,“他能够鉴赏现代”。我问贝聿铭:在美国度过了75年后,他还觉得自己是个中国人吗?“我从来不忘中国,”他立刻回答,“我的家族在那里居住了600年。但我的建筑不管从哪方面来说,都没有有意识地中国化。我是个西方建筑师。”


贝聿铭最优秀的建筑都带着沉迷于几何构造的特征,它们属于当代最震撼人心的建筑之列。他依然工作不辍:新项目包括在日本Miho建一所学校和一座神庙。但从最坏的方面来说,他的建筑体现了现代主义妄自尊大的一切缺点。从香港中银大厦(Bank of China Tower),到华盛顿特区的美国国家美术馆(National Gallery of Art),他在上世纪七、八十年代的作品跨立在地表上——这两个十年是现代主义处于最低谷的时期。



2010年3月25日 星期四

Read more about Art School. Art School (Propositions for the 21st Century) Steven Henry Madoff (Ed.)

Read more about Art School.
Art School
(Propositions for the 21st Century)
Steven Henry Madoff (Ed.)
Leading international artists and art educators consider the challenges of art education in today's dramatically changed art world.
Paper / October 2009

2010年3月19日 星期五

Richard George Rogers


日期:2010 年3月6日至5月2日
展覽名稱:「理查‧羅傑斯 + 建築師:從住宅到城市」

理查.羅傑斯(Richard Rogers)是聞名世界並獲獎無數的英國當代建築大師,本展以2007年龐畢度中心落成30週年展為基礎,蒐羅大師自1960年代至今的作品。同時,為了將建築與都市間的聯結概念傳遞給一般大眾,本次展覽主辦單位「羅傑斯‧史達克‧哈伯 + 合夥人(RSHP)」及臺北市立美術館,將與英國文化協會於展覽期間聯合舉辦一系列的演講與活動,以輕鬆易懂的方式來體會「人、建築、都市」彼此間環環相扣的緊密聯結。

Richard George Rogers, Baron Rogers of Riverside, CH, Kt, FRIBA, FCSD, (born 23 July 1933) is a British architect noted for his modernist and functionalist designs. He was born in Florence in 1933 and attended the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, before graduating with a master's degree from Yale School of Architecture in 1962.[1]

Contents [hide]

Early career

While studying at Yale, Rogers met fellow student Norman Foster. On returning to England he and Foster set up architectural practice as Team 4 with their respective wives, Su Brumwell and Wendy Cheeseman. They quickly earned a reputation for what was later termed by the media high-tech architecture.[2]

By 1967 the Foster/Rogers partnership had split up, but Rogers continued to collaborate with Su. In early 1968 he was commissioned to design a house and studio for Humphrey Spender near Maldon, Essex, a glass cube framed with I-beams. He continued to develop his ideas of prefabrication and structural simplicity to design a Wimbledon house for his parents. This was based on ideas from his conceptual 'Zip Up' house[3], such as the use of standardised components based on refrigerator panels to make energy-efficient buildings.

Rogers subsequently joined forces with Italian architect Renzo Piano, a partnership that was to prove fruitful. His career leapt forward when he and Piano won the design competition for the Pompidou Centre in July 1971, alongside a team from Ove Arup that included Irish engineer Peter Rice.

This building established Rogers's trademark of exposing most of the building's services (water, heating and ventilation ducts, and stairs) on the exterior, leaving the internal spaces uncluttered and open for visitors to the centre's art exhibitions. This style, dubbed "Bowellism" by some critics, was not universally popular at the time the centre opened in 1977, but today the Pompidou Centre is a widely admired Parisian landmark. Rogers revisited this inside-out style with his design for London's Lloyd's Building, completed in 1984 - another controversial design which has since become a famous and distinctive landmark in its own right.

Later career

After working with Piano, Rogers established the Richard Rogers Partnership in 1977. This became Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in 2007. The firm maintains offices in London, Barcelona, Madrid, and Tokyo.

Aerial view of the Millennium Dome

Rogers has devoted much of his later career to wider issues surrounding architecture, urbanism, sustainability and the ways in which cities are used. One early illustration of his thinking was an exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1986, entitled "London As It Could Be", which also featured the work of James Stirling and Rogers' former partner Norman Foster. This exhibition made public a series of proposals for transforming a large area of central London, subsequently dismissed as impractical by the city's authorities.

In 1995 he became the first architect to deliver the annual Reith Lectures, later adapted into the book Cities for a Small Planet (Faber and Faber: London 1997, ISBN 0571179932). In 1998 he set up the Urban Task Force at the invitation of the British government, to help identify causes of urban decline and establish a vision of safety, vitality and beauty for Britain's cities. This work resulted in a white paper, Towards an Urban Renaissance, outlining more than 100 recommendations for future city designers. Rogers also served for several years as chair of the Greater London Authority panel for Architecture and Urbanism. He resigned from this post in 2009.[4] He has been Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Architecture Foundation. From 2001 to 2008 he was chief advisor on architecture and urbanism to London mayor Ken Livingstone; he was subsequently asked to continue his role as an advisor by new mayor Boris Johnson in 2008. He stood down from the post in October 2009. Rogers has also served as an advisor to the mayor of Barcelona on urban strategies.

Amidst this extra-curricular activity, Rogers has continued to create controversial and iconic works. The most famous of these, the Millennium Dome, was designed by the Rogers practice in conjunction with engineering firm Buro Happold and completed in 1999. It was the subject of fierce political and public debate over the cost and contents of the exhibition it contained, although the building itself cost only £43 million.[5]

In May 2006 Rogers' practice was chosen as the architect of Tower 3 of the new World Trade Center in New York City, replacing the old World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11 attacks. His old classmate, contemporary and former practice partner Norman Foster is also designing a new WTC tower.

Some of Rogers' recent plans have failed to get off the ground. The practice was appointed to design the replacement to the Central Library in the Eastside of Birmingham; however, his plan was shelved for financial reasons. City Park Gate, the area adjacent to the land the library would have stood on, is now being designed by Ken Shuttleworth's MAKE Architects.

Selected projects

Team 4

  • Creek Vean, Cornwall, UK (1966)
  • Reliance Controls factory, Swindon, UK (1967)

Richard and Su Rogers

  • 22 Parkside (Dr Nino and Dada Rogers' house), Wimbledon, UK (1967)[6]
  • Zip Up house (1968)
  • Humphrey Spender house, Maldon, Essex, UK (1967-1968)

Piano + Rogers

  • Universal Oil Products, Tadworth, UK (1969-1974)
  • B&B Italia headquarters, Como, Italy (1972-1973)[7]
  • Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (1971–77)
  • IRCAM, Paris, France (1971-1977)
  • Patscentre Research Laboratory, Melbourn, UK (1976-1983)

The Richard Rogers Partnership

  • Lloyd's building, London, UK (1978–84)
  • Fleetguard Manufacturing Plant, Quimper, France (1979-1981)
  • Inmos microprocessor factory, Newport, Wales (1980–1982)[8]
  • PA Technology Centre, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (1982-1985)
  • Old Billingsgate Market, London, UK (1985-1988)
  • Centre Commercial St Herbain, Nantes, France (1986-1987)
  • The Deckhouse, Thames Reach, London, UK (1986-1989)
  • Paternoster Square, London, UK (1987)
  • 45 Royal Avenue, London, UK (1987)
  • Reuters Data Centre, London, UK (1987-1992)
  • Kabuki-cho Tower, Tokyo, Japan (1987-1993)
  • Antwerp Law Courts, Belgium (1988-2006)
  • Marseilles Provence Airport, Marignane, France (1989-1992)
  • Heathrow Air Traffic Control Tower, London, UK (1989-2007)
  • Channel 4 Headquarters, London, UK (1990-1994)
  • European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, 1995
  • 88 Wood Street, London, UK (1990-1999)
  • Tower Bridge House, London, UK (1990-2005)
  • Daimler complex, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin (1993-1999)
  • Palais de Justice de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France (1993-1999)
  • Montevetro, London, UK (1994-2000)
  • Lloyd’s Register building, London, UK (1995-1999)
  • Minami-Yamashiro Primary School, nr Kyoto, Japan (1995-2003)
  • Millennium Dome, London, UK (1996-1999)
  • Broadwick House, London, UK (1996-2000)
  • Designer Retail Outlet Centre, Ashford, Kent, UK (1996-2000)
  • Madrid-Barajas Airport Terminal 4, Madrid, Spain (1997-2006)
  • Chiswick Business Park, London, UK (1998-)
  • Paddington Waterside, London, UK (1999-2004)
  • The Senedd (National Assembly for Wales), Cardiff, Wales (1999-2005)
  • East River Waterfront, New York, USA (2004-2006)
  • Hesperia Tower, Barcelona, Spain (2005)

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

  • Heathrow Terminal 5, London, UK (1989-2008) Image Gallery of Heathrow Terminal 5
  • Maggie's Centre, London, UK (2001-2008)
  • Bodegas Protos, Peñafiel, Valladolid, Spain (2008)
  • R9 Station, Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit system, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2003-2007)
  • 300 New Jersey Avenue, Washington DC, USA (2004-2009)
  • Ching Fu Group Headquarters, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2005-2007)
  • Campus Palmas Atlas (CPA), Seville, Spain (2005-2009)
  • 175 Greenwich Street, New York (2006-)
  • Capodichino Underground Station, Naples, Italy (2006-)
  • Santa Maria del Pianto Underground Station, Naples, Italy (2006-)
  • British Museum, Northwest Development, London, UK (2007-)
  • 360-London (2007-)
  • Greater Paris / Grand Paris, France (2008-)
  • Oxley Woods, Milton Keynes; UK Government sponsored 'Design for Manufacture (DfM)' competition (completion expected 2010)
  • Las Arenas, Barcelona, remodeling of the bullring into a shopping mall (completion expected 2012)
  • One Hyde Park, London (completion expected in 2010)
  • Leadenhall Building (completion expected in 2012)

Honours and awards

Rogers was knighted in 1991 by Queen Elizabeth II. He was created Baron Rogers of Riverside in 1996. He sits as a Labour Peer in the House of Lords [9]. Rogers was appointed a Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour in the 2008 Birthday Honours list.

Rogers was awarded the RIBA Royal Gold Medal in 1985 and made a Chevalier, L’Ordre National de la Legion d’Honneur in 1986. He received a Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 10th Mostra di Architettura di Venezia.[10] In 2006, the Richard Rogers Partnership was awarded the Stirling Prize for Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport[11], and again in 2009 for Maggie's Centre in London[12]. In 2007 Rogers was made Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize - architecture's highest honour.[13] He was awarded the Minerva Medal by the Chartered Society of Designers in the same year.

Rogers has been awarded honorary degrees from several universities, including Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid, Oxford Brookes University, the University of Kent, the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Open University.

Palestine controversy

In February 2006, Lord Rogers hosted the inaugural meeting of the campaigning organisation Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP) in his London offices. At that time his practice had secured a number of projects in New York, including the redevelopment of the Silvercup Studios site, a masterplan for the East River Waterfront and a commission for a $1.7 billion expansion of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Centre in Manhattan. Rogers publicly dissociated himself from the group within weeks, however, following the widely expressed public sentiment from generally pro-Israeli New York voters and politicians, which threatened him with the loss of prestigious commissions including projects in New York and abroad.[14] He announced his withdrawal with the statement "I unequivocally renounce Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine and have withdrawn my relationship with them."[15].

Rogers at first said he was dissociating himself from APJP because of its published aims and "in view of the suggested boycott (of Israeli companies) by some members," although APJP denied it was promoting such a boycott. Rogers subsequently hardened his line, coming out with statements defending Israel's right to build its separation wall. He described the Israel-Palestine conflict as being between a "terrorist" state and a "democratic" one and said that he was "all for the democratic state".


Rogers is married to Ruth Rogers, chef and co-owner of The River Café restaurant in west London. They have two sons together, Roo and Bo. He also has three sons, Ben, Zad and Ab, from his first marriage to Su Brumwell. He has ten grandchildren.


  1. ^ "Richard Rogers". Press Release CV. Richard Rogers Partnerships. http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/render.aspx?siteID=1&navIDs=1,5,18,107. Retrieved 2006-07-31.
  2. ^ "High-tech architecture". Quazen website. http://quazen.com/arts/architecture/high-tech-architecture/. Retrieved 2009-10-30.
  3. ^ "Richard Rogers: Beginnings". Pompidou Centre. http://www.centrepompidou.fr/education/ressources/ENS-Rogers-EN/ENS-Rogers-EN.html#beginnings. Retrieved 2009-10-23.
  4. ^ "Richard Rogers steps down as advisor to mayor". Mayor of London's office. http://www.london.gov.uk/view_press_release.jsp?releaseid=23738. Retrieved 2009-11-01.
  5. ^ "Millennium Dome". RHSP. http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/render.aspx?siteID=1&navIDs=1,4,25,661. Retrieved 2009-10-30.
  6. ^ "Dr Rogers House". Richard Rogers Partnership. http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/render.aspx?siteID=1&navIDs=1,4,25,459. Retrieved 2006-10-27.
  7. ^ "B&B Italia.". http://www.linkedin.com/companies/b&b-italia. Retrieved 2009-10-22.
  8. ^ "INMOS Factory - Richard Rogers". http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/INMOS_Factory.html. Retrieved 2009-04-19.
  9. ^ UK Parliament. http://www.parliament.uk/directories/house_of_lords_information_office/labour_members.cfm
  10. ^ Biennale Architecture: 10th International Architecture Exhibition (2006), Official Awards
  11. ^ "RIBA Stirling Prize 2006". RIBA. http://www.architecture.com/go/Architecture/Also/Awards_2006.html. Retrieved 2006-10-27.
  12. ^ "RIBA Stirling Prize 2009". RIBA. http://www.architecture.com/Awards/RIBAStirlingPrize/RIBAStirlingPrize.aspx. Retrieved 2009-11-26.
  13. ^ Robin Pogrebin. "British Architect Wins 2007 Pritzker Prize". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/28/arts/design/28cnd-pritzker.html?hp. Retrieved 2007-03-28.
  14. ^ Boiling point | Newsblog | guardian.co.uk
  15. ^ Israel-Palestine conflict engulfs Rogers's $1.7bn New York project | World news | The Guardian

External links

2010年3月3日 星期三
















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