2014年11月13日 星期四

Balzac, The Kiss, ”Rodin,Les Mains Du Genie”, Salammbô。Jules_Desbois

It is followed by a specially meaty display of portrait busts, including such creative types as Garnier, the artist Jean-Léon Gérôme, the writer Alexandre Dumas fils and the composer Charles Gounod, seen in a bust whose full beard, expression and tilt of head presage the imperious stance of Rodin’s “Balzac” in the Museum of Modern Art.

Musée Rodin
[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] "This work that has been laughed at, that people have made a point of scorning because they could not destroy it, is the result of my whole life, the very pivot of my aesthetic" (‪#‎Rodin‬, about his work Balzac)

The Kiss, still in the dark...
New exhibition - Rodin: The Laboratory of Creation http://www.musee-rodin.fr/…/expos…/rodin-laboratory-creation
Opening : November 13 !

"There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth" (‪#‎Rodin‬).
Rodin: The Laboratory of Creation, new exhibition: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/exhibition/exposition/rodin-laboratory-creation

”Rodin,Les Mains Du Genie” 羅丹──激情的形體思想家/ Camille_Claudel

Musée Rodin 的相片。

Around 1884, she started working in Rodin's workshop. Claudel became a source of inspiration, his model, his confidante and lover. She never lived with Rodin, who was reluctant to end his 20-year relationship with Rose Beuret. Knowledge of the affair agitated her family, especially her mother, who never completely agreed with Claudel's involvement in the arts.[citation needed] As a consequence, she left the family house. In 1892, after an unwanted abortion, Claudel ended the intimate aspect of her relationship with Rodin, although they saw each other regularly until 1898.


Rodin museum in Paris.

羅丹──激情的形體思想家 ”Rodin,Les Mains Du Genie”

作者:Helene Pinet
原文作者:Helene Pinet
譯者:周 克希
出 版日期:1994年12月31日

這本書雖然譯自法文 不過錯誤不少 (我用英文本"校"一下)

譬如說 Rodin 出版 法國大教堂之後 Reim Cathedral 被炸 著火 Rodin 感到很喪氣

翻譯成 "Reim地方有人批評該書 羅丹很火大" (大意)

Rilk 的家書也翻譯得走調


简介 · · · · · ·
  罗丹用粘土、青铜和大理石,雕塑了激情、痛苦、情思和余年,也雕塑了频繁的城市 和超越的悲剧。


本书融艺术与专业知识于一体,还有艺术家精辟的独特论述,给人以百科全书的深刻与通俗读物的亲切。本书编辑观点新颖,图片丰富精美,让读者既可配合正文同 时理解,又可单独欣赏。本书分为两大部分,彩页是正文,记史叙事,追本朔源;黑白页是文献与传记。选辑古今文章,呈现多角度认知,是爱艺术的读者的必读参 考书。
作者简介 · · · · · ·

   Helene Pinet

  1952年生。罗浮宫附属学校毕业后,即 在博物馆任职。

  1976年起负责罗丹博物馆摄影部工作。她 已发表多部作品:


目录 · · · · · ·









The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Flaubert) - Wikipedia, the ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Temptation_of_Saint_Anthony_(Flaubert)The Temptation of Saint Anthony (French La Tentation de Saint Antoine) is a book which the French 

不知怎的,羅丹館突然來個英文解說。半夜起身想找中學 (那時候看Kiss 等作品或會臉紅......)讀過的The Temptation of Saint Anthony (French La Tentation de Saint Antoine),發現Gustave Flaubert 全譯本放到永和的地下室。......隔天到美術館粉絲頁看看,最感動的是8月10日的一張與里爾克的三人合照。

Musée Rodin

[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Rodin, Claudel and Desbois worked together about the theme of old age. Example with a sculpture of Desbois : Misery.

[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Auguste #Rodin, Salammbô, circa 1900, Pencil and stumping on paper.

In this drawing of a woman with outspread thighs, exposing her genitals, arching her back and hiding her face under her folded arms, the eroticism is highly charged. The two annotations, Salambô and St antoine (sic), make reference to Gustave Flaubert’s eponymous novels. This drawing attests to Rodin’s admiration for the writer.

See more at: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/collections/dessins/salammbo#sthash.oBPQ9IC9.dpuf

相片:[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Auguste #Rodin, Salammbô, circa 1900, Pencil and stumping on paper.

In this drawing of a woman with outspread thighs, exposing her genitals, arching her back and hiding her face under her folded arms, the eroticism is highly charged. The two annotations, Salambô and St antoine (sic), make reference to Gustave Flaubert’s eponymous novels. This drawing attests to Rodin’s admiration for the writer. 

See more at: http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/collections/dessins/salammbo#sthash.oBPQ9IC9.dpuf
