2015年8月23日 星期日

Dear Theo 。 Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent (2013)Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent (a house for Vincent 2013)

 Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent (2013)翻譯成《梵谷家族及其紀念美術館的傳奇》比較恰當。原題:Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent (a house for Vincent)。英譯The Legacy of Vincent Van Gogh。

Dear Theo : the autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh / edited by Irving Stone with Jean Stone
New York, N.Y. : Plume, 1995
亲爱的提奥 : 凡高书信体自传 [電子資源] / (美) 珍妮・斯通, (美) 欧文・斯通编 ; 平野译
成都 : 四川美术出版社, 1983, (1995重印)
梵谷書簡全集? 雨云選譯,台北:藝術家出版社,1990,600元

pts 8月份周日,9日第2集
姪子驚嘆日本是戰敗國,卻在50年代末出產"新幹線"級的火車。由於Van Gogh坐車往巴黎的體驗是新世界的新鮮感.....
日本以外常稱新幹線為「子彈列車」(Bullet Train)或是「超特急列車」(Super Express),之後日語羅馬字的名稱「Shinkansen」也逐漸廣為使用。此外,東海道新幹線在通車時也曾經計劃稱為「新東海道線」(New Tokaido Line)。雖然現在車站內的英文告示板上稱新幹線為「Shinkansen」,但在表示列車名稱時仍然採用「Super Express」的稱呼,例如希望號列車上的英文廣播之一為「Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Shinkansen. This is the NOZOMI superexpress bound for Tokyo.」(各位乘客,歡迎乘坐新幹線,本列車是前往東京的希望號超特急列車)。

■ 播出時間:8/2、9、16、23 週日上午11點





Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent (a house for Vincent 2013)
Upon Vincent van Gogh's death in 1890, his work not sold fell into the possession of his brother Theo. Theo died six months after Vincent, leaving the work in the possession of his widow, Johanna van Gogh-Bonger.[9] Selling many of Vincent's paintings with the ambition of spreading knowledge of his artwork, Johanna maintained a private collection of his works.
The collection was inherited by her son Vincent Willem van Gogh in 1925, eventually loaned to theStedelijk Museum in Amsterdam where it was displayed for many years, and was transferred to the state-initiated Vincent van Gogh Foundation in 1962.[9]
Design for a Van Gogh Museum was commissioned by the Dutch government in 1963 to Dutch architect and furniture designer Gerrit Rietveld.[10] Rietveld died a year later, and the building was not completed until 1973,[11] when the museum opened its doors.[12]

Plot Summary

  • The Duch painter Vincent Van Gogh grew up in the family of a stern Calvinist country pastor, feeling a misunderstood misfit, obsessed by painting, while his elder brother Theo left for Brussels, later Paris, and became an art dealer. Vincent tried an alternative career as missionary to the Catlolic Walloon mineworkers in the Ardennes but returns, broke and failed again. Later he'll move in with Theo in Paris, but can't fit in business or society. Vincent heads for frustration and health drama. His heir, a Dutch railway engineer, later visits those places while deciding whether to sell the family paintings collection to invest in the super-fast railroad.
    Written by KGF Vissers
